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Tahtan Private Limited
Crafted a salient identity for Tahtan Pvt Ltd that effectively translates their strengths and expertise through an online and offline presence.









Tahtan Private Limited is a multifaceted organization providing comprehensive services in construction as well as project management. After careful evaluation of the prevailing trends and the potential growth of the construction business, OffRoadStudios sculpted a distinct identity for Tahtan. The inspiration was derived from the structure of a bee hive. How each unit is distinct in its nature but integrated on the whole, working in perfect harmony.



The brand’s architecture gives it the edge to survive in today’s highly saturated market. We built a brand that thrives on continuous improvement and innovation, the epitome of safety and quality. A logo, corporate identity as well as a solid and unwavering online presence was established for Tahtan. The logo iss modern and depicts a future forward brand. The core values were translated in the mission and vision of the brand. Effectively highlighted Tahtan's achievements, experience and expertise by bringing them to the forefront. 











A single page responsive web-app, encompassing all of the prominent areas and performance indicators, reassuring Tahtan's commitment to quality.